NSS Youth Group Liaison Regional Coordinator for NCA and OVR

The National Speleological Society Youth Group Liaison Committee (http://www.caves.org/youth) is connecting this generation of cave explorers and the next through youth groups seeking to include the sciences and arts of speleology and cave exploration in their program, by involving the Regional Coordinators, partners, associates, and Grottos.

We are developing the position of Regional Coordinator. There is an opening for a Regional Coordinator in the Ohio Valley Region and the Northwest Caving Association. This person will connect safe and ethical cavers and youth groups together. You can read what a Regional Coordinator does and does not do on our web site at http://www.caves.org/youth/coordinatorguidlines.shtml .

If you are, or know a person who cares for the quality of youth group programs. They may be cavers that are already involved with programs such as Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts, Boys and Girls Club, 4-H, Awanna, and others. I'd like to strongly encouraging each NSS Region to make this Regional Coordinator a part of your Section's make up.

The next generation of cavers depend on what they experience now.

Allen Maddox
NSS Youth Group Liaison Committee, Chair


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