The Big Trip

The Plan
I was setting up a trip for Dan from Philly Grotto to help introduce some people he knows to caving. Not a big deal to do, but I wanted to make a good impression on them in hopes to get them excited enough to join the Grotto and go on other trips.

A few of our friends from Dragon Breath Grotto had not been to this particular cave and where interested in going too. The caving party is growing.

We have people, we have a cave and we have a date. We have a caving trip.

A Plea for Help
A week later Kim made a desperate plea on the Commander Cody email list for help taking a Venturing Crew caving. Happens that it was the same day and the same cave we planned for our trip. Huumm… Light bulb appears over my head. How about we combine our trips. We’re going to be there with plenty of cavers anyway, right. Looks good on paper.

A week before The Big Trip Kim and I were emailing back and forth. It had been raining all week and rain is expected the next week too. The cave we are planning on using has a tendency to flood. We need a plan “B”. Huumm.. This sounds familiar.

So What's Plan "B"
Ok, so I send out another email and secure a plan “B” to go to a different cave just in case. The closer the weekend comes the least likely it’s looking like we’re getting into our first choice. Friday we decide that plan ”B” is looking better and better.
DBG 11-10-12
Saturday morning Dan and his group Swap, Vicki and Anna met me, Amos, Damian, Marcy and Evan in Morgantown. We figured out carpooling and headed out the Turnpike. One stop to pick up Gretchen and we kept going out to the Shippensburg Wal-Mart to met up with Kim and Venturing Crew 168. We all headed on over to the cave and met up with Tom Griffin and his two cavers who are helping for the day.

Finally in the Cave
Once we got suited up and inside, did the “in cave, cave talk” and headed up to the first break down room. Here we figured out who was who, break into three groups, and figure out who was leading which group.

I’m not going to go into the details of the trip. It was a lot of fun and Gretchen enjoyed her first caving trip. You can see all the videos to experience it from the comfort of your computer. Needless to say, we were the last group out and the others, except Kim and Tom were long gone.
Our group decided we were starved and were looking to demolish some pizza. Kim agrees and we said our goodbyes to Tom and his group as we parted ways.
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Another great day underground accomplished. As we’re eating and talking we start planning and looking forward to doing this again real soon.

And Even More Pictures
The rest of the photo album can be found here. I hope you enjoy looking through them and the videos almost as much as we enjoyed the trip.

Do you want to go with us? Send me an email.

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“Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but well placed footsteps, kill nothing but time.” – cavers’ creed

National Speleological Society Youth Group Liaison Committee. The youth group’s connection to caves and caving.


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